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   Please Tell Me What the Rebbe Said

Chanukah Stories

The Significance of Chanukah

 The Message of Chanukah Please Tell Me What the Rebbe Said

Here's a Bright Idea!
Chanukah celebrates the victory of the Jews over the Greeks in 168-165 BCE.

The Greeks wanted the Jews to forget that the Torah is holy. So they outlawed many of the Torah's signs of holiness, including Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh (first day of New Month), and Bris Milah (circumcision). Chanukah symbolizes this holiness, because it always includes these three things: Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, and eight days, like the eight days before a Bris!

  • The Jews were few, and the Greeks were many. But in the end, the Jews defeated the Greek armies. When the Jewish soldiers recaptured the Temple, they only found enough pure oil to light the Menorah for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted eight days until new oil was brought. Today, we light the Chanukah Menorah to recall the miracles that G-d performed.

  • We will continue to celebrate Chanukah even when Moshiach comes, and we have the Holy Temple again -- speedily in our days!

Rabbi Riddle's Kwazy Kwestions:
Q. Which candle burns longer, the first Chanukah candle or the last one?
A. Neither, they both burn shorter.

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 The Message of Chanukah Please Tell Me What the Rebbe Said

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