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Rambam for Sunday, 16 Tishrei, 5784 - October 1, 2023

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Positive Mitzvah 66;
Negative Mitzvah 147;
Positive Mitzvah 67;
Negative Mitzvot 102, 103, 138

15 Tishrei, 5784 - September 30, 202317 Tishrei, 5784 - October 2, 2023

Positive Mitzvah 66: Laws of the Peace-offering
Leviticus 3:1 "And if his offering be a sacrifice of a peace-offering"

We are commanded to follow the procedures and rules detailed in the Torah for presenting a peace offering.

Negative Mitzvah 147: We are forbidden to eat any of the lesser- offerings before sprinkling their blood upon the altar.
Deuteronomy 12:17 "You may not eat within your gates ...your freewill offerings"

Among the sacrifices there are those which are called thanksgiving-offerings and peace-offerings.

The blood of these offerings must be sprinkled upon the altar before they can be eaten.

This Negative Mitzvah prohibits us from eating these sacrifices before sprinkling their blood upon the altar.

Positive Mitzvah 67: Laws of the Meal-offerings
Leviticus 2:1 "And when anyone will offer a meal-offering to the L-rd"

We are commanded to follow the procedures and rules detailed in the Torah for presenting the different types of meal offerings. They include baked, pan, or deep fried meal offerings.

Negative Mitzvah 102: We are forbidden to put olive oil upon a guilt-offering of flour
Leviticus 5:11 "He shall put no oil upon it"

Different types of sacrifices are brought when a person does Teshuvah after having committed a sin.

The sacrifice he must bring depends on the sin committed.

This Negative Mitzvah applies to an offering brought by a person who wishes to do Teshuvah for a sin. Therefore, it is often called a "guilt-offering" (see Positive Mitzvah 72).

Generally, a meal-offering consists of a mixture of wheat flour and olive oil.

Oil is considered a fine liquid, complimenting the flour in this delicate dough.

However, this meal-offering is being brought because the person is asking forgiveness for a sin. Therefore, no oil is mixed with the flour and it is left plain. No oil may be placed in this type of meal-offering.

Negative Mitzvah 103: We are forbidden to put any frankincense upon a guilt-offering of flour.
Leviticus 5:11 "Neither shall he put any frankincense upon it"

This Negative Mitzvah applies to the guilt-offering of flour (see above Negative Mitzvah 102).

The flour is to be offered as it is, without any enhancing ingredients. Therefore, we are commanded not to place any frankincense upon this offering.

Negative Mitzvah 138: It is forbidden to eat the meal-offering of a Priest
Leviticus 6:16 "For every meal offering of the priest shall be totally burnt; it may not be eaten"

The meal offering is a mixture of oil and flour.

When a person who is not a priest brings this offering, a priest scoops up a portion (in a special way) and sacrifices it on the altar.

Then, the priests eat the remaining mixture. However, when a priest brings a meal-offering, it must be totally burnt. No one is allowed to eat any of it.

They think self surrender means to say, "I have no mind. I have no heart. I only believe and follow, for I am nothing." This is not self surrender, this is denial of the truth, for it is saying there is a place where G-dliness cannot be -- namely your mind and your heart. G-d did not give you a brain that you should abandon it, or a personality that you should ignore it. These are the building materials from which you may forge a sanctuary for Him, to bring Divine Presence into the physical realm.

Don't run from the self G-d has entrusted you with. Connect your entire being to its Essential Source. Permeate every cell with the light of self surrender.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman -

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